Ben Nevis - 26th September 2015

The 'Cooper Troopers' did it we climbed the highest mountain in the British Isles in recognition of the courage and strength that both Joseph and his Dad Mark showed during their fight against their illness's.

It was very tough but our determination carried us through - brilliant achievement!!

Footsteps Summer Fete 1st August 2015

A big thank you to the staff and all who came along to Footsteps Nursery annual summer fete. It was a lovely day, the weather was kind to us  and all the children had great fun.

Music in the Park 5th July 2015

Our second year at this event in Donington organised by the local Parish Council who did an amazing job. The music was fab and the weather was pretty good to. A great social event and had a good catch up with the locals.

Full Monty Night 4th July 2015


What an amazing night this was!! Great turn out, lots of entertainment and in a fabulous venue - Donington Hall. There was an auction for a butler for the night, a fun game of Irish Bingo and of course the main event - The Full Monty - 6 local lads who gave it there all. Brilliant !

Run up Snowdon 30th May 2015

Running up Snowdon!! Yes that's what Gary Taylor and 4 others did on the 30th May in 5 hours 20mins - Amazing, and they  are planning on doing it again next year!!



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